October 7, 2010

macam model...

hikhikhik...sape yg mcm model???aku kah...dia kah???hehe...gambar sy sudah siap...yeayyy...tp sy belom collect lagi..maybe baru banyak tu je yg siap kot...pape pon I LIKE it soooo muchhh...credit to our photographer en.NUR AZMIE...thanks a lot bro...next time kite kolaborasi lagi yek..insyaallah...
sila la lihat hasilnye yg sy ambil dari FB abg mie...wink..wink..

~sopan santun~

~moncong yg boleh sangkut baju~

~i heart u laling~

~hehe..kene tampar betul2 ni~

~i like diz pic very much..so sweet~

itu la antara gambar yg ade...hehe..x sabar nak tengok keseluruhan gambar-gambar kami...hehe


  1. dear, mind to share bape u kna bayar for 1 hour kt nurazmie tuh? thanx..

  2. murah je..RM130 per hour with unlimited shoot...syok bekerja dgn dia..sporting..hehe..kalau nak call la die 013-2776996..
